Publishing, Coaching & Media Packages

Author Assist offers a variety of publishing, coaching, and media services for authors and businesses. Contact us today to find out how we can help you promote and market your book effectively and safely.

Fiction eBook & Paperback

  • Editing – developmental/line edit
  • Formatting for both books
  • Blurb one large, one small and tagline.
  • Covers
  • Publishing – wide
  • Data to websites

Fiction package: prices start from £2200

Nonfiction eBook & Paperback

  • Editing – developmental/line
  • Formatting for both books.
  • Covers
  • Publishing – wide

Non fiction: prices start from £1800

Interested in Our Services?

If any of these packages interest you and you want to discuss them further, please book a free consultation.

Multimedia Package

  • Guest on Behind The Pen podcast.
  • YouTube BTP show
  • Book Trailer
  • Excerpt/chapter Narration. Audio or Video
  • Press Release to 1000+ journalists.
  • Social Media blast to 60k +
  • Blogging post sent out to 200,000

Multi-media package: (perfect for book launches) prices start from £1000

Mentoring & Coaching

  • 1.1 coaching sessions
  • 4 lessons in Marketing, promotion on social media, graphics
  • or you can decide what you need help with.
  • Mentoring 2 x 1.1 calls
  • Goal making – keeping on track – motivation – cheerleader
  • Correspondence with the mentor and author throughout the month

Coaching and mentoring package: prices start from £1800

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